Hi Hobbynut, you really don’t need much compression with this form of low-revving engine, so long as you can feel a noticable resistance at TDC then you should be OK. If it’s a new build you might benefit from ‘running-in’ for a while, I usually hook up a belt to a lathe, take out the spark plug and turn it over on a medium speed for perhaps an hour or so, this helps bed the rings in and will help compression. I assume there is an auto inlet valve so you need to make sure that there is enough suction to open this, although (helpfully!) you often can’t see this happening, if you suspect a lack of fuel in the cylinder then try using a lighter valve spring.
As Ian says compression requirements can vary to some extent depending on the fuel used but I use both petrol and Butane gas without problems. If it is firing there can’t be much wrong. Often these engines go best at around TDC or just before and, in my experience this setting is not that critical. If though you are using electronic ignition then this may need setting more like the 20 degrees BTDC that Ian mentions.
It can help if you put a squirt of WD40 into the cylinder before starting, this helps ensure maximum compression at start-up. Otherwise do certainly have a look at the IC forum on this site.
Hope this helps
Regards, John