i am looking for a little help and advice please.
my father started machining and building a scale traction engine from scratch ,he got a 3rd way through before he got ill and had a heart attack 10 year ago,he is still alive bless him although somewhat brain damaged
now here is what i need help with ,he has a workshop containing milling machines ,welders.bench drills, a huge lathe an insane amount of tools and accessories for all the machines a 5ft pile of model engineer magazines(hence my post here) taps and dyes ….i think you get the picture what i am trying to get to here ,basically i think you could walk in his workshop and have every tool at hand to build and make almost anything
now the workshop has been stood for 10 year untouched and we dont know what to do with it ,it needs to go
we dont know how much any of the items are worth for resale and more importantly know how or where to sell them without getting ripped off
asking my father is useless as he cant remember what he had for lunch 24 hours earlier
so you can understand my predicament
dependent on the post replies and advice i can get of this thread i am able to post pictures of the items in his workshop via the forum of by private email
thank you for reading and excuse my bad grammar