Hi Guys,
Many thanks for your assistance which is very reassuring when information is otherwise limited.
The results I am now achieving are certainly as good as the carbide tips
I suspect I could improve that by creating that radius on the tip. I tried using the grinder but it seems too course.Maybe I will try a stone
I will summerise my approach to tool and tool height to date. It is only my approach but may be helpful to others. I used to set and measure tool height with a digital vernier but of course it was a hit and miss affair. I was also using carbidre tips. In the search for a
better finish I decided to use HSS cutters. I then decided to get serious, measuring tool height accuratly guided by article in MEW
1. Turn a shaft to any diameter
2. Measure and divide by 2
3. Using block and feeler gauge measure height to lower edge of shaft
4. Add two results to give tool height.
Obtain a block of steel that will stand vertically on saddle and exceeding the tool height by perhaps 10mm
Machine a slot to mark the tool height from saddle. This is the tool for setting cutter height.
The tools in the angeled HSS holders can now be adjusted in out to set correct tool height as suggested in the forum
Carbide holders can be machined to correct tool height. Something I was reluctant to do until I was sure of the exact height.
Now to gringing the HSS base on my understanding of the help I received on the forum
No need to grind a “back rake angle” as this is provided by the tilt of the tool holder. However there is a need to have a side rake angle
The profile of the tool as presented to the workpiece should be the same as that in the many well publisied article.