Hi Kelvin
I note your “…jpeg not too large comment” – how large is large? Can you advise maximum size please. I would also like a little advice on posting pictures. I tried recently to add a photo to a posting here. I was able to create an album and upload a photo to it but was unable to add that picture to my post. What am I doing wrong? ( Is it all those thoughts of railway related beers maybe distracting me?) By the way I deleted the image from the album but the album still exists. How do I try again?
Hi Norman, sorry haven’t got back sooner.
Guys below have more or less answered for me! Unfortunately, a lot of trial and error is often involved in sizing pics for the web – I should know! However, you should aim for 72dpi to give the best screen resolution. This was the size I used for all the Harrogate pics posted and they seem okay.
Edited By NJH on 03/06/2010 09:51:01
Edited By Kelvin Barber on 04/06/2010 08:57:41