Hi Steve
So far no-one has asked you if you have the bed set up correctly.
When I first bought my lathe I was very disappointed in the quality of finish I got. More than twenty years ago I bought a copy of the book by the South Bend Lathe Company “How to run a Lathe”. In it is describes how to test the bed for truth.
This is the gist.
Get youself a peice of bar about 38mm in diameter and 180mm long ( I don’t know the swing of an ML7 but I am going to assume that you can chuck a peice about that size.)
You want somewhere about 120-130mm protruding from the chuck. DON’T HAVE ETHE MACHINE RUNNING FLAT OUT. You want a fairly low speed to run this test. This is not to be performed between centers, it is a test of the relationship between the headstock and the carriage.
Turn two collars about 15mm long each. To do that, move the carriage in about 15mm from the end towards the chuck and turn down by about 3mm to about 25mm from the chuck.
Return the carriage to the end and with the power feed engaged, take enough off the both collars the ensure that you are cutting all the way around the bar. Once you have done that, set the crosslide to take a light cut and power feed it the length of both collars without interupting the cut.
Measure both collars with a micrometer. I am betting you will find that they are of different diameters. Which means you need to adjust the bed by using the height adjusting bolts or shim under the bed until you get it right.
It is of course made much easier by using a machine level. It is not that the machine needs to be level as such, just that levelling it allows you so find any twist in the bed.
To use the level, clean the bed under the chuck and at the far end of the lathe and the underside of the level. Place it under the chuck. Note where the bubble is. Place the level at the end of the bed and note where the bubble is there. Adjust the bed until the bubbles are the same at both ends of the bed.
I think you will find as I did that once you have that under control, your cutting quality will improve markedly.
When I started out as a computer technician, my mate for whom I worked told me “sort out any hard ware problems first. Anything that is left is software.”
In the case of the lathe the same holds true. If the bed is not true, nothing else will be and no amount of playing with tooling will fix it.
Buying a level is a fairly expensive undertaking, the one I bought cost me about AU$240.00 though you may find that a local club has one that they may lend you. Or just buy one.
My lathe is on a wooden bench and so is subject to distortion with changes in humidity so I check the lathe into summer and into winter just to make sure
Edited By Lawrie Alush-Jaggs on 29/05/2010 15:07:10