Hi Alvin
I have to agree with Jason when he talks about the top of the vice. You
have to measure the bottom and the back jaw. I do not recommend it be done on
the table of the mill.
If you do not have a surface plate, go to a glazier’s and get a 450mm
square peice of 10mm plate glass. Mount your DI or DTI in a mag base, place the
vice on that and run the DI across it the vice base from front to back and side
to side. Then run it up and down the back jaw. If you find that the vice is
out in this manner then allowing for very minor discrepancies in the glass, the
problem is in the vice. If it all comes up flat and perpendicular then the
problem is in the machine table. One thing to be very aware of when you are
performing this type of work is oil and grit. Because you are making descisions
that affect the way you use asimportant a tool as the vice, it is imperative
that the base mounting surface of the vice and any surfaces you intend to
measure be absolutely free of grit and oil. You must polish the foot of the
vice with a clean cloth and then rub your hand across it before putting it
down. You have to do the same with the base of the mag stand and the glass.
Anything on there will make a difference to the measurements
you receive.
I have a Taiwanese mill/drill. A fortnight ago I found to my great dismay
that I had a dip in the table. I put a straight edge across the table and at
the deepest the dip measured just over 0.03mm
I removed the X axis leadscrew, made an arbour to fit an ER collet, put a
cup wheel in, let the mill run for three quarters of an hour to warm it up and
then ground the top flat.
Once I put the vice back on, I checked the back jaw with a DTI and it read
zero from top to bottom. Then I checked for bottom of the vice with a DI and it
too was zero from back to front.