The way I was told to do mine was to take a sharp triangular file and score all the way round – best if you roll it on a flat surface so the man said.
Twice now that has split it perfectly neatly.
Hhowever, if it don’t drop off at that stage – under the knife as it were – gob over the line and then support either side between two fingers and press with thumb. That works well too. Why spit on it I don’t know – I’m told it helps and is important. It works.
Why have I cut so many lengths of gauge glass – because I didn’t make sure that the top and bottom of the gauge were exactly aligned. I assumed that the silicone O ring would allow for any distortion. So it does, but either not for long under pressure, or, only for seconds if you tighten well. Aignment is key, and since I have taken to dropping a 1/4″ rod down the top to make sure it drops ever so neatly into the socket at the bottom, the problem has gone away.
Best seal solution up to 250psi test pressure. MACCs 6mm o ring and a touch of Boss White, tightened finger tight. Works a charm. (not the big thick silcone rings).
That is the sum of my knowledge born of hard experience in recent weeks!!!!!