OK Alan you say at this point in time your skil is “Fair”. How are you with Numbers. If you check back, the metrication issue has cropped up many times and found to be WANTING. (Look at the Stan Bray dual dimensioned engines) I did it for Borderer, but the simple conversions don’t work so be aware what you are trying to achieve.
Very basically Ramon has given you the best approach, (I did it exactly the same way) Photocopy/print all the drawings and sit without any distractions and go through the lot noting the bits that interact WITH EACH OTHER and the build up of “shuffled” dimensions.
DC1 has given a simplistic veiw on a 3/8″ dimn. BUT 3/8 = 9.525mm Fine, that’s a hole, what fits in it? A shaft? and what Dia. is that going to be?? 3/8″ dia raw material, 10mm turned down to 9.525,?? But rounded, 3/8″ = 9.6 or 9.5,? Hmm B****r, see where I’m going??
I had an advantage when doing mine,
A. A lifetime in full size ingineering.
B. Lots of it as a designer.
So the interaction between the bits was fully understood. I’m NOT trying to put you off, you can do it, but just be aware.
Oh yes, then there are the screw sizes ——–
Regards Ian
Edited By Circlip on 10/04/2010 16:27:21