My Barker lathe has one of these fitted. No matter how I have a go a swapping the wires round, Reverse is “normal” i.e. rotating downwards towards the cutting tool, and Forward is “wrong” ie. rotating upwards
I know that looking from tailstock to headstock Reverse and Forward are correct in that Forwards is clockwise and Reverse anti-clockwise, but I would just like to have it seem more natural with regards to the mandrels rotation towards the cutting tool
Anyone have any experience of this switch ?
There are two cables from the single phase motor (don’t ask me what it is) entering the switch on the Reverse side and a single cable for a normal plug entering on the Forward side. Neutrals for both wires are connecting to a bolt fastened to the casing
If the Forward side (left) has connections A through D going down vertically, and Reverse (right) has 1 to 4 similarly then the current wiring is:
A – red (plug cable)
B – red (motor cable)
C – black (plug cable)
D – unused
1 – red (motor cable)
2 – black (motor cable)
3 – black (motor cable)
4 – unused
Thanks for any help