Had to make a bracket today in aluminium 7in by 3in by 1/8th thick. Thoughts of bashing in the vice went through my mind! – the alternative was to ‘unearth’ the fly press, no mean task as it has all manner of things hanging on it, piled round it etc. Eventually I got to it and removed its dust cover and in no time I had bent my piece – wonderfull!
This procedure is such a chore that things just had to change, I have now got a totally accessible fly press, fantastic.
This has made me want to find out a bit about it, It has Hadley, Birmingham cast in it, the base is 12 in wide and 5 1/2 inches throat height and is in superb condition – I can’t remember where I got it from. As fly presses go it would be considered small, but it seems to be able to pack quite a punch.
The only thing missing is the ball from the operating arm and I have an old 3 jaw chuck tightened on it! – works ok
Any body got one/seen one or know any thing about it?