Assuming you are refering to the mill scale as rolled and not the scale on any edges created by cutting processes I don’t know if the following will be of any use to you but for what its worth –
There used to be a product available from ‘Jenolite’ called Aldecon C.
This was used for ‘etching’ the surface of hardened and ground parts before using their ‘Cold Black’solution. It is a very powerful agent and will remove the scale back to bright steel.
I did a set of frames from black rolled steel and with this plus a bit of elbow grease and some coarse emery had them looking like BMS in a day. I did them on a hot sunny day (bit of a problem at the moment!) – laid them on some thick polythene liberally coated with the (neat) stuff – wrapped them up and left them in the sun. Don’t know if that improved the process – just the way I did it.. It certainly removed the scale without affecting the steel in any visually apparent manner.
Two things – if you do decide to try some. It contains hydrochloric acid – obviously take the usual precautions – and don’t, definitely don’t, leave this stuff open or use it (even if well diluted) in the workshop as it will cover absolutely everything that is bright steel with a brown rust(?) like patina in very short order indeed.
Diluted it makes an extremely good pickle for silver soldered steel items taking all that black gunge off right back to the bright (though a little ‘grey’) steel leaving just the solder to clean up. A thorough washing in fresh water is required. A much fainter brown patina will still form though very slight and is easily removed with a bit of fine emery
I don’t know if it’s still available – I bought mine through my works along with Cold Black about ten years or so ago.
I don’t know of any mechanical means that will remove scale (which, as you’ve probably already found out, can be glass hard) as well as this stuff.
Hope this helps to answer your question.
regards – Ramon