I suspect that you get what you pay for.
I came by a set of cheap 6″ calipers somewhere – I think they came free with something. Compare them with a set of good Mitutoyos and its chalk and cheese. Well actually you cannot compare them, because the freebies are where they belong – in the trash can.
I’m not sure that butchering a set of £70 Mitutoyos for a temporary solution is such a grand idea!. Using cheapies and ending up with some screwed up castings is even less of grand idea….
So, sorry Alvin – just save and stump up for decent kit. As they say – the statisfaction of using quality remains long after the pain has gone.
Or – there is the cheap solution, and the expensive solution. The expensive solution involves buying cheap and replacing it. The cheap solution is to just buy decent stuff in the first place. One doesn’t have to buy the best – good is OK, but it wants to be good.