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    trevor jones 1
      trevor jones 1
        Hello i have got a MT3 toMT2 open sleeve stuck in my milling machine theres no thread for a draw bar will someone please tell me a beginner how to remove it  Thanks
          For a start, do not hit it!
          You will need to make something with an internal thread, long draw bar? to bring up behind the offending sleeve, only big enough to bear against the 2MT end only.  On the outer end and against the 3MT  containing shaft a cylindrical sleeve. A large thick washer and a long bolt through the your new “draw bar” . Hopefully by tightening the bolt you will draw out the sleeve. Makes sense?
          Ian S C

            Is your sleeve is like mine with a flange on the open end?If so a wedge type tool for chuck removal.If I find another way I’ll come back.Ian S C

            trevor jones 1
              OK KWIL i tryed that this afternoon with no joy its solid the only thing to hold the spindle with when tightening your gizmo is the spindle nut but all it was doing was tightening that so i give up and went and had some big soup it was freezing. Trev
              trevor jones 1
                OK Ian theres no flang on this sleeve but theres two flats for a spanner the mill iv got is a
                Axminster SIEG X2 Mini Mill
                  Well I must admit, I would hit it, but scientifically… but first.
                  Someone mentioned it before but there must (may be) a couple of ejector slots, and the proper wedge ejector is usually pretty effective. Try tapping (NOT beasting) the taper drift in. Once its firm, knock it in the ejecting direction.
                  If you havent got ejector slots, then Id use Kwils thingy to get tension on, lock the quill, and use hte spanner flats to stop it rotating while i tensioned up. Then I’d use an ali or brass drift down the spindle. Tap it – don’t beast it. Like shifting any taper, if oyu can get good tension on, a tap usually works. But be mindful – even with a locked quill – you are hitting your bearings.
                  If that doesn’t work, I’d try to tighten Kwills thing a bit more and put more tension on, press a hammer agin the mouth of hte sleeve, and strike(!!) the other side sharply .
                  If that doesn’t work, you have a problem.
                  BTW are you sure yu have KWILS device right? You have a bolt or somesuch that you drop down the spindle. Its falnge or head fits on whats jammed. The shank sticks out below the bottom of the quill or jammed sleeve. You have a hollow “Washer” with a couple of spanner flats on it.(or a pair of tommy bar holes) It fis OVER the jammed sleeve and bears on the body of the quill. You put a nut on the shank and tighten up to apply tension in the freeing direction. How do you need to  hold the quill? You are not tightening onto the quill but againsit it, and the reaction is between the bolt/withdrawing bar and the “washer” or withdrawing sleeve.
                  Are you sure you haven’t missed a trick, because that kind of extractor sleeve is normally pretty darn effective.
                  John Stevenson 1
                    can you hold the spindle and with a spanner on the two flats give the spanner a whack to see if it will break it free from the taper?
                    John S.
                    Ian S C

                      Trevor,have a look at “Manual Machine Tools”,go to “Milling collet arbor jammed in milling machine”,you may look at all 4 pages,but the top of page3 might help,lot of luck.Ian S C

                      trevor jones 1
                        ok Ian I done it this afternoon the problem was how to lock the spindle once i found that out i used KWIL’s gizmo and it flew out. thank to all of you for your time.
                        Ian S C

                          Good work Trevor.Ian S C

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