Posted by Ian S C on 05/11/2009 00:45:20:
I was reading a site on Barker lathes last night and it indicated that changing from one ratio to the other was a rather tedious exercise,I think you know the site on Google.An interesting machine.You’ll proberbly find one ratio suitsyou for most,and there it will staymost of the time.New-t-Lock and similar jointed belts are ideal for drive on lathes.IAN S C
I know the site as it is where I started my research. If I had the proper drive pulleys it should be easy as I would remove the wheel and replace it with the other one. But I have this Myford thingy and no jockey wheel to take up the slack.
This is why Plan A is to get two drive pulleys of the correct circumference to give me the reduction ratios against the mandrel pulley wheel. I will then get a V belt of the correct length to match each drive wheel or else fabricate a jockey wheel as mine appears to be one of the first Barker’s and this must have been a later modification. I need a V belt because there is little clearance between the mandrel drive pulley and the casing but a V belt will sit nicely into the drive pulley.
The tedious exercise relates to changing the speed wheels as there are four of them. The lathe as I bought it has two speed wheels locked together on the mandrel to provide a direct drive from the motor. So at the moment I have no idea what speed the mandrel is rotating at but I have bought a speed sensor to measure it.
Thanks for the help everyone. I shall scour yellow pages for bearing suppliers
Edited By John Coates on 05/11/2009 08:10:24