drill doctor sharpener worht the money?


drill doctor sharpener worht the money?

Home Forums Beginners questions drill doctor sharpener worht the money?

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    Ian Welford

      drill sharpening

      Ian Welford
        Got a friend going to the usa in a few months and wondering about a drill doctor drill sharpener. Anyone used one- got any views on it?
        Sidney Cawthorne
          I recently bought a Drill Doctor at a car boot sale of all places and I have to say it does perform well.
          It is not difficult to set up and has provision for sharpening both HSS and masonry drills.
          I don’t know what they cost new but I paid about £40.00 for mine.
          Hope this is of some help. 
          Alan Cawthorne.
          Ed Jordan
            I’d say yes, depending on the amount of “the money” it costs you! I have used one for a while, and after getting the hang of setting the drill bits in the holder, it produced good results – far better than freehand grinding.
            I have been subsequently spoiled when I bought an industrial Darex full featured drill sharpener at a factory auction sale. Now I have absolutely no excuses for dull or chipped drills any more.
            Ed Jordan,
            Lunenburg NS
            Ian Abbott
              I bought one in Canada about five years ago while I was there, ’bout $120 CDN at the time.  It works well.  
              I used to do them freehand, but now I can’t see the ends of the drills, but the  Drill Doctor does a good job, I have no complaints.
              Conversions would be about $100 US or  £63 GB.  But there are different models at different prices.
              Don’t forget it’ll be 120v, so you’ll need a converter, so maybe get a small inverter whilst you’re at it, they’re pretty cheap over there. 
              Ian Welford
                Thanks for the advice
                . Birthday approaching so have ordered one (from states). Darex themselves were very helpful- Grizzy much less so.
                I can get a 240 to 110 v transformer but the variable frequency ‘s a good idea at a later date perhaps.
                Ordered spare wheels as well as by heck there’s a price differential !
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