Hi John,
I was of a similar view till I realised how small details appear to matter quite a lot to wagon experts.
Wagons of the wooden variety with planked sides are built with round headed coach type bolts, nutted on the outside.
I had about 500 flat headed brass 1/16" rivets sitting in a box for years never used, so seemed an ideal time to use most of them up, and convert them to partly threaded 10BA fixings for the LBSCR wagon.
My late Uncle Roy Penny built lots of finescale GWR wagons in 7.25" one of which won a gold medal at an ME exhibition circa 1990 (it wasnt strictly a wagon but a GWR Toad brakevan).
The wonderful world of miniature wagons is quite a fascinating arena, and all due regard to Doug Hewson for popularising same.
Have a look at the early issues of EIM when Doug described a standard 5 plank wooden chassis wagon. There was a very good description of a Midland 3 plank wagon in ME 3 or 4 years ago in ME, though it relied heavily on bought in components.
I can send you the sketches I used for making mine. What is interesting about wooden chassis wagons is how every part fits in with other parts, and it is like a jigsaw puzzle!