Hi Paul,
You can lie awake at night worrying about this!
I’ve found that the BA series really helps, because the 0.9-times step bewteen sizes means that there is always a size within 5% of the correct size. The thread scales with the size of the nuts, so it always looks right, even if it isn’t scale pitch
Many folk suggest that BA fixings with reduced size heads look best. The one pain in the neck is that the ‘one size smaller hexagon’ BA fixings can be hard to track down, and don’t seem to exist below 8BA with 9BA hex.
Another reason for variation is that some suppliers can’t get hold of proper BA hex stock, and use the nearest metric size instead.
Interestingly, though, looking at some old engravings the full size BA hex scales pretty well.
So my advice is use the nearest BA size and get a good nights rest!
Edited By Neil on 23/01/2010 21:33:01