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  • #604210
    Enrique V


      I'm a new member here. Being a software engineer for living for long long time (30+ years) I have an insistent need for doing something on the realms of mechanics. I've worked when young with all sort of tools (lathe, milling, sharper..) but I don't have the space to such a workshop now.

      This interest about mechanics has been moving all around but recently it seems that watchmaking provides me a lot of enjoy, together with electronics that's been a constant passion for my entire life.
      While googling about watchmakers lathes I consistently ended up reading this wonderful forum. I expect to spend quite a bit of time here as I develop my new hobby (and try to build my lathe!).

      As a side question: I've seen this thread about building a watchmakers lathe https://www.model-engineer.co.uk/forums/postings.asp?th=147932&p=1 but a linked article related to these free plans https://www.model-engineer.co.uk/news/article/free-plan-a-simple-lathe/19501 seems to be only available to subscribers. Is there a way to purchase a single issue or article?

      Thank you!

      Enrique V
        Howard Lewis


          Not into such small sizes as used in watches, but am sure that you will find folk on here who are knowledgeable and skilled in such matters, and can help you.

          Some one is bound to say that if you are making your own lathe, it will need to be made to a far greater accuracy than that to which you want to work..

          Having said that, watchmakers lathes seem to be pretty simple compared to some of the larger machines that we use.

          Maybe the difference is in skill and the wish to work to a very fine dimension, rather than to a size that allows the device to work..


          noel shelley

            Hi Enrique, Welcome I have a large collection of Model Engineer Magazine, if some one can give you the edition numbers I will see if I have them and can copy them to you. Best wishes Noel.


              I can view without logging in, and download the pdf


                I believe you can buy back issue magazines HERE if you require the whole article.

                As Ady1 says you can download the pdf's for free witout logging in.


                old mart

                  Welcome to the forum Enrique, you will get lots of advice from the many horologists here.

                  Enrique V

                    Thank you for the welcome!

                    I can indeed see the pdfs of the plans, but there is a companion article. I think there is no print backissues for such old magazines (it's Issue 7 from Oct/Nov 1991) the article named "Make a small Lathe without castings".)

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