wow this amazing, I dont belive that I have such a warm welcome to a forum before. Thank you all for all the information that every one has provided.
It would be great to meet at some clubs at some point face to face, I do like the rail scene but my true passion is road haulage. Many years ago my dad and I approached a company called winson models. I am sure that a lot of people have heard about them and the quality of some of the products. We decided to go for a foden style lorry called the 'pride of penrth'. On photo it looked great for someone who did not know much about machining it was a great start.
The ultimate engine I would like to create is a 4" Burrell, I have been looking at John Rex's site and really like build one but I will have to settle small as my lathe and mill would need to have a huge upgrade before hand. I machined a Robinson engine from pollys casting that was part of the maidstone engineering collection a few years ago.
I am almost decided that I want to go down the 1 1/2 scale Allchin and would like to have a go at casting my own casings using loss PLA meathod as I have a lot of castings that are surplus almost the same weight as me. All I know that some of the castings I have have a stamp sayin KEN 6.
The equiptment I have is a Myford 'M' type and a heavly moded MD10 Mill with a 3 phaze motor fitted.