I have been a long time reader of these forums, and find them a great source of information!
I originally trained as a model maker and worked for three years in that industry before starting up my own business making concertinas – the musical instrument, which I have been doing now for approaching five years.
I have never really done model engineering but the model making trade is somewhat closely linked, the main difference being the models I made were for display only, they never actually had any moving parts.
Although I don't actually make models of any sort these days I have always found that model makers and model engineers are some of the most knowledgeable people around when it comes to fabricating, making and machining things, mostly using manual processes and hand skills, I am keen to in some way still engage with that world and hope to swap tips and techniques on this forum.
I am in Wolverton, in Buckinghamshire I don't know if anyone on here is from around there
All the best
Jake Middleton-Metcalfe
Edited By Jake Middleton-Metcalfe on 23/02/2021 19:35:41