Hiya you lot 😀
Tony here – from Sheffield.
Been in engineering since i left school – apprentice trained centre lathe turner – Chief Inspector now though (No – not the police type) 😀
Been on here quite a while so thought i oughtvto say hello.
Been furloughed dince april so started sorting thexworkshop out.
Got a few lumps o metal down there –
Emco Maximat V10
Myford S7B (with the maximat milling head fitted to it)
Dore Westbury Mk1
Burke No4 mill (modified to myford drive & spindle nose)
Perfecto power shaper
Unimat SL
Peatol (Taig) lathe
Simat 101
Perris SL90
Interests are (but not limited to) workshop equipment and "doing up" little machines. I like cad too – got/use AutoCAD R14 & SolidWorks 2004
Well ,
Thats me – was wondering if anyone was local ?
Catchya later