New member introduction


New member introduction

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    Temporary Nickname Guy

      New interest in clock repair / adjustment

      Temporary Nickname Guy

        Greetings to all; I'm new to the site, and have limited social media / forum experience, forgive me if I go astray. I'll do my best to search for past threads addressing specific questions, before cluttering up the works with a "FAQ"

        Model engineering has been a hobby for 35 years, mostly steam and internal combustion engines; Clock repair has always been an interest, but only recently have I begun any actual work, having inherited a clock from a relative.

        (I suspect) it is a rather ordinary New Haven movement, any questions which arise will be similarly basic. I generally like to figure things out for myself, but recognize in this instance, others will have a wealth of experience and wisdom; Why risk doing harm, reinvent the wheel, when advice is readily available. I figured I would join, and see where the threads lead me.

        Will finish profile set-up shortly, Thanks.


          Welcome to the forum! Always good to have more like-minded souls aboard.

          Curiously my grandmother in Plymouth, England had an ancient New Haven clock on her mantelpiece. My dad joked Americans didn't know how to spell Newhaven. From a distance looked to be a smart example of classic Greek style in black with gold lining but close-up the case was paint, tin-plate and transfers. Victorian, inherited from her mother, much sentimental value, and it was crushed during a house-move in the 1960s. Granny was upset!


          Temporary Nickname Guy

            Thank you for the welcome ! As an American, who is also a dyed in the wool Anglophile, I have long enjoyed the subtle differences between our "two" languages, how they have drifted over the years, as well as how each has evolved regionally, in both the UK and US. Members will likely catch me referring to components by Americanisms or even my own "made up" / common sense terminology, I'll be keen to learn what others consider correct terminology.

            Sorry to hear of your grandmother's NH clock, but amusing that an Englishman would consider a Connecticut clock "ancient"… I'm jealous and mindful of the rich history Europe and the UK enjoy. As a Californian, "old" feels like anything circa 1950, "ancient" circa 1900… But am ever mindful others enjoy far more perspective.nerd

            My clock briefly: 19" tall, case of unknown origin, "Mission" style or "Arts + Crafts" style? (may try to upload pic); Stands on 4 feet, so not a wall clock, but perhaps too large to call a mantle clock? (Perhaps what we here would have called a "kitchen clock&quot?

            Inherited from Grandmother, (sentimental value, likely little monetary value), she had the works replaced 20 years ago with quartz (now also failed), but all original parts saved, and appear in good nick. I made a crude stand to hold movement level and plumb, lubricated it (farmer style, for now), and got it working, after some preliminary, seat of the pants adjustments. Several odd behaviors observed (for later), but did run continuously for one 48 hour stretch, encouraging me to pursue further.

            Purchased (lot of 3) similar (shabby, but mostly complete) movements on E-bay (sad, how little they are valued) for possible parts, learning opportunity; Am drawing them in my CAD program, for fun and education. (Does anyone already know the correct / as designed distances between shaft center lines, for a garden variety NH?)

            Last night, went out to garage to see if still running… Only to discover the mainspring had clearly failed that day. I now feel quite comfortable disassembling it, but delaying for the moment; Mindful the gong spring is still intact, and both springs need to be properly handled when that day comes.

            Sorry to go on so long, briefer posts in future, perhaps in a more appropriate thread than "INTRODUCTIONS", open to suggestions, relocation if moderator sees fit.

            Brian H

              Hello and welcome to this wonderful Forum.

              There are a number of clock enthusiasts on here although my only claim to fame are a couple of repaired marine clocks and a self built long case clock.


              Neil Wyatt

                Welcome to the forum TNG

                I'll look out for your clock thread, although I don't know much about clockmaking.


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