Hello All.
Just to introduce myself as a new member to ME. I am a Chartered Electrical Engineer, specialising in motors, variable speed drives and control systems for industrial and renewable energy projects.
Am now a Freelance Engineering Consultant; see http://www.opusds.com for more info. I have a small home workshop used mainly for my business, making small test rigs and the like. Have a 1950 Colchester Master lathe in good order, a New Progress drilling machine (bought for £7.50 and restored) together with an elderly power hacksaw which requires some TLC. My Dad was a tool maker so engineering runs in the blood.
Currently looking for a small vertical milling machine for an exciting ongoing R+D project requiring the manufacture of some small alloy parts. Already looking at a couple for sale but would prefer a small turret type, ideally with a quill feed for reasonable money. Otherwise a solid benchtop type with belt drive would do. Location close to Lancashire would be ideal to simplify collection.
That's all folks ! If anyone needs advice about motors of all types, VSD's, three phase to single phase conversions etc. just give me a shout.