Hi everyone my name is Tom and I live in Barnstaple North Devon. I am an electrician and for most of my time I have worked on industrial electrics specializing in traditional (contactors and relays ect) control systems.
For most of my working life I had access to workshop facilities and I learnt to use a lathe, mainly for the purpose of skimming the comminutator of a DC electric motor.
With retirement fast approaching and my current employer not having the workshop facilities I had enjoyed in the past, a few years ago I bought myself an Axminster C2/300 lathe. Pocket size compared to some of the machines I've used in the past but none the less a lovely little lathe.
I have an interest in electronics but no formal training and I have constructed many electronic projects. My latest is high spec no holds barred hi-fi amp built with discrete components not just a couple of modules linked up with wire. I do not wish to upset anybody who uses modules, I use them myself sometimes for quickness.
My big passion in life is railways and I often use my lathe for repairs and improvements to my model railway. My latest job on the lathe was an adaptor to allow me to fit a face plate with a 80mm fitting to the 100mm drive flange on my lathe.