Thanks from down under


Thanks from down under

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  • #474110
    Craig Morris 5

      Thanks to accepting me to the group. I am just setting up a small workshop and first job is restoring an old Bridgeport. This drove me to the group as I am seeking info about the power feed system on the English built units. I am always looking to learn and improve techniques so I am sure it will be a worthwhile group for me. Probably years before I can be a useful contributor unfortunately.

      Craig Morris 5

          Same as me Craig.

          I don't have the skill or knowledge base as many on here, but it's a great forum for like minded souls, addressing a wonderful range of topics.

          Enjoy smiley



          (from up over ….cheeky)

          Brian H

            Hello Craig and welcome. A good site for info on all types of machine tools is:


            Despite the name it is not just about lathes.

            Please keep us informed on progress with your Bridgeport.


            Chris Evans 6

              Bridgeport is well worth the effort Craig. I must get around to fixing the table feed on mine one day. Some threads on this site re table feed if you do a search.

              Craig Morris 5

                Thanks everyone the links are great. Lots of good information. I have the old mill running now. Its a 3 phase until and I fitted a VSD today and have it running on 240v. The transformer for the power feed also has a 240 primary so I will be able to set it up entirely single phase. Unfortunately the power feeds have been butchered with the DC control hacked out. I am trying to diagnose it and fix it up. Looks possible at this stage but needs a complete rewire.

                I need to source a lead screw and would prefer to keep it metric so is there a specific part of the forum I should go to to ask such questions without upsetting anyone?

                Regards Craig


                  Hi Craig welcome to the forum. If you click on "Forums" within the wide black line further up the page it will bring up a list of all the forum topics. Select the one you think is closest to your problem or question and start a new post there.

                  Good luck problem solving your Bridgeport.


                  Neil Wyatt

                    Welcome to the forum, Craig,


                    Craig Morris 5

                      Thanks Neil

                      As an update, I have machined the rotors. A fair bit of wear from the brushes and the 'gear' on the end looks rather worn so I assume the feed motors have done a fair bit of work. I scraped the saddle on both faces and the knee top ways need some work. I have no straight edge so need to source or make one to do the knee. The column is in very good order so maybe this machine has done a lot of repeated jobs that require little change to setup and height. The X lead screw was missing when I bought it but the Y is very worn so its not the best machine to start with. My plan is to fix it up to the point of reasonably good but not chase perfection from it as it is obviously well worn. Then use it and see if it warrants another tear down with new balls screws and redoing the ways maybe a grind and turcite. In the mean time I keep an open eye for a better sample.

                      The links from. here have lead me to lots of new links which has helped greatly with getting the info I need.

                      Sam Stones

                        Hi Craig,

                        Check you mail box, I sent you a PM.


                        Evan Lewis

                          Hi Craig from Down Under. I am in New Zealand and just joining the club too although I have been lurking in the wings.

                          I have a Boxford lathe and have about 24 YouTube videos about its use, but it appears that you are no beginner!

                          I recently built a Hero's steam engine which you probably know was invented by the Greeks 2000 years ago. I am the first to report that it could lift weight and thus was able to calculate power output and efficiency.



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