Well to be honest my granddad many years ago started to tech me some bits of engineering and also spoke about wanting to build a steam loco, but before he had chance to show me much more parkinsons and dementia took hold, he then passed whilst I was n in my teens.
I've then gone on to teach myself to fabricate, I do it as a hobby my main passion been offroading, our current truck is completely fabricated (other than unimog axles) although all the steering and suspension is of my design.
So back to the start, I've always had a love for steam locos and after speaking with the local group at a local model rail expo and realising that I could do the expensive bits myself I though sod it, why wait. I've since hunted down two cheap part builds which I aim to finish, I want to get these done and share with my kids so they can also enjoy and I have many years left to enjoy myself