Hello all,
I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Del, mid 30s, live in Dublin, Ireland, and am a recent addict to building model steam engines.
I have always been keen on building things since a young age, (Brio as s tiny kid, through to electric circuits etc)
I'm a member of a community workshop here in Dublin, and have just recently finished building my first ever working steam engine. The Stuart 10V, from castings.
Anyway, I just wanted to say "Hi", and give you a bit of info about me.
I've also filmed and photographed the entire build process if anyone is interested.
Lastly, I'm potentially looking at buying a lathe, so expect some questions coming about how to identify a good/bad lathe, and what are some good options to go for.
(I'm currently investigating a Myford Super 7 for ~£1000, but I have no real idea what I'm looking for.) I have access to a Warco lathe at the moment.
Also, I'm open to some suggestions about my next model/project to build. I was looking at the Stuart Twin Victoria, Stuart hand feed pump, and the Stuart Steam feed pump.
Thanks, Del