Hello from the US: Name is Bob, easy to remember as it is spelled the same forward as backwards! Residing in SW Missouri. Major interest is vertical stationary steam engines. Been a amateur machinist for for over 20 years now. Retired youngster that just turned 80 earlier this week. Previously built steam locomotives for 7.5 " gauge track in various scales. Just no longer strong enough to wrestle the 400 pound plus objects around so now build table top engines that I can get to the bench easily. Currently running the last two verticals I have built on compressed air, hope to build a boiler sometime in the future.
Have fond memories of visiting your part of the world and having the opportunity to drive a Sterling loco on a great elevated track in the Cardiff area. That would have been in the early 1990's while visiting and having the opportunity to visit my good friend John Norman. John was a previous resident of Cincinnati, Oh and a member of the Cinder sniffers RR club there.
Current basement workshop is approximately 12×25 ft and contains a small 8×18 in DRO mill, two lathes, drill press and some other bench top tools.
Will try to post some shop pics as soon as i figure out how to load photo's on this website.
Always interested in talking with fellow enthusiast on any aspect of building.
Just received a set of most excellent set of ME Beam engine castings from Reeves and will be starting on that project as soon as I finish the vertical engine I am currently working on. Keep making the chips!