Posted by Ivan Black on 21/10/2017 16:19:10:
Are there any other artists on here?
I'm going to say this & suddenly it will appear in real life.
One of the happiest moments of my life was the first time I remember gazing in wonder at the Rowland Emett clock in a newly opened Nottingham shopping centre.
It just suddenly sprung to life, which is what I think all art should do.
I don't pretend to understand art, I'm not the type that thinks discussing the way the light refracts from the perpetual surrealism, whilst desperately trying not to spill the G&T, is anything other than snobbery & verbal masturbation.
If it ever becomes socially acceptable to reverse the popular opinion on fostering, then I would adopt Jos De Vink to become my surrogate my grandad,
Who's that bloke who invented kinetic art? Who is that bloke who invented kinetic art?
For me, it was that bloke who walked alongside the wind walkers on the beach, his name is irelevant to me but that was beautifull.
If you want to steal my thunder & possibly make £money from your kinetic art then PM me. I have an idea that would certainly excite those in danger of spilling their G&T's, because sadly they are the ones who can afford it & they are the ones who define it.