New member – North Leicester


New member – North Leicester

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  • #217411

      Hi all

      I am newly retired and looking for something to keep me occupied for a few hours a week when at home. Decided on model engineering, particularly steam loco, my era.

      I worked as a machine tool designer, starting on the board then nearly 30 years of 2D and 3D cad, AutoCad/Inventor. So plenty of engineering problem solving experience.



        Neil Wyatt

          Hello Howard,

          Welcome to the forums!


          Paul Lousick

            Hello Howard,

            Your background is almost the same as mine. 30 years as a mechanical draftsman (board / Acad / ProEngineer / Solidworks) , just retired and an interest in steam engines.

            Welcome to the MEW forum, Paul.

            Chris Evans 6

              Howard, welcome and Merry Christmas from another recently joined member. I retired over two years ago after a lifetime in toolmaking.


                Welcome gentlemen, you come with a wealth of engineering background that will keep you in the right direction.

                I continue to be amazed that a large number of Retirees arrive at a certain age and then, in effect say, what shall I do?

                Some of us have spent a lifetime with a or maybe this hobby, interupted by the necessities of work and family!!


                Edited By KWIL on 25/12/2015 11:53:18


                  " I continue to be amazed that a large number of Retirees arrive at a certain age and then, in effect ,say "what shall I do?"

                  I received an offer of early retirement ( on terms I couldn't refuse) when I was 50! People said to me " But what are you going to do?" My answer to them was " Whatever I Bloomin' well want to ! " and so it has been. My advice is, with the proviso that you can get by financially, then stop work and enjoy the really important things in life. ( I do put my wife and family at the top of that list!)

                  I guess Happy New Year is now appropriate!


                  Andrew Johnston
                    Posted by NJH on 25/12/2015 18:07:54:

                    I received an offer of early retirement ( on terms I couldn't refuse) when I was 50!

                    The colour is green………



                      Thanks all for your welcome.

                      I have always been interested in modelling, my father was a pattern maker so wood was always in easy supply. Hence all my modelling so far has been in wood, but my metal work is better than my wood.

                      Hopefully after a visit to Alexandra Palace I shall be able to sort out my machine desires.

                      Still have some cad software but run it on a Mac these days, as one of my other hobbies is photography and I prefer the Mac now after a lifetime of Windows. Fishing will take up some of my other days. This will give me time to figure out the problems that no doubt occur.

                      My retirement is a normal scheduled on, some of us have to work for the whole of our normal working life.

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