new member looking for bit of help and advice


new member looking for bit of help and advice

Home Forums Introduce Yourself – New members start here! new member looking for bit of help and advice

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  • #216578
    nicky jackson

      hi i was wondering if anyone could help me, i recently decided to buy a lathe thinking it would be help full for many of my little projects, i've never owned or used a lathe before, i purchased one second hand hoping by doing this i could get it and be ready to go,unfortunately it hasn't worked out that way and having done some research the lathe has been modified to suit the old owner and had some of the feature i was exspecting have been removed,wish i would've researched before hand instead of jumping straight in, here's where i need some help i carn’t afford to buy a new lathe and wouldn't feel right selling it on, so i'm gonna try make the best out of a bad situation, i would like some detailed pictures of a super relm lathe so i can see exactly what is missing, and try get it running in a way where it helps me, i've googled it and searched but i don't seem to be having much luck finding anything with detail that can help me restore it to a usable state thanks in advance for any help nickyj

      nicky jackson

        super relm lathe pics


          Hi Nicky

          Search in your browser for

          All makes and models there for you to look at and compare.


          Neil Wyatt

            Welcome to the forum.

            Here's a direct link.:


            I doubt that a manual as such ever existed for the Super Relm.

            Pop some photos in your album and that will help folks see what the issues are.



              Welcome to the forum Nicky. Post some pictures and some of us may be able to see what bits are missing from your Lathe?

              nicky jackson

                lathe.jpglathe (6).jpglathe (5).jpglathe (4).jpglathe (3).jpglathe (2).jpgimages.jpg hi thanks for the quick responces, i seen them images but uforchanly there not much close up details, like i would like, seem to be unable to disconect the gears that contol the power feed screw thing , there no way to engage the power feed itself

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