Hello, i’m Glenn


Hello, i’m Glenn

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  • #212712
    glenn thomas

      I'm a HGV mechanic (not a fitter), i still like to make and repair things, frowned upon by some companys i've worked for. I restore classic motorcycles which i collect and have just finished restoring my 1943 Diamond T 981 truck.

      I became so frustrated with having to pay high prices for poor quality turning and milling work for parts i needed making for my projects plus having to wait weeks and weeks i bought a Qualters & Smith 1324 lathe (Kerry) and recently a Denbigh milling machine and am now doing nearly everything myself. (I want to upgrade lathe to a CVA though)!

      hopefully with some guidance from you clever people i can overcome a few issues i have and do even more?

      glenn thomas
        Roger Williams 2

          Hello Glenn, any pictures of the Diamond T !. I think there has been one in a field by the motorway for years, near Bridgewater, almost covered now!.


            Me too. I currently have WW2 Morris Commercials CS8 and PU models . Been restoring military vehicles since the 1970's . Diamond T is a big truck… too large for most. Mike

            John Stevenson 1

              Done many, many miles in a Diamond T, we used to have one as a wrecker at the truck garage. Also used to have a Reo with 100 ton winch fitted, very handy for when they went down the bank !!

              Glen, you don't say where you are, would help if people knew the area.

              I do know of two CVA's coming up for private sale any time now from a deceased's workshop.


                BTW I also paid dearly for jobs that a first year machining apprentice could have done and they managed to do a crap job . The Denbigh mill, yes I have one of those too ! Mike

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