Forum Platform Changes – PLEASE READ


Forum Platform Changes – PLEASE READ

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  • #637751
    Neil Wyatt

      SEE BUMP ON PAGE 5 RE ALBUMS (Edit by JasonB)

      Hello everyone,

      There is a plan to 'migrate' the forum to a new platform by May.

      The existing system is increasingly difficult to maintain, as it is largely a 'bespoke' one that doesn't follow typical online standards.

      Over the years, complains about its functionality and features have greatly outweighed any calls for sticking to the present arrangements. Changes have been proposed many times over the years, but never come too fruition – this change will go ahead and will address most of the criticisms made by users. Even so, I can appreciate that many will be nervous about the implications.

      The plan is to move ALL user content to the new system, which should be easier to navigate and use.

      That's said, we recommend that you back up any of your content (particularly photos in your personal albums) that you don't still have on your own computer as soon as possible. You can do this by right-clicking the image and selecting 'save as'.

      It is likely that users will need to generate a new password. This may mean you will need to receive and email link, so please check the email address in your profile is correct.

      This is a big and very complex website. So far changes by Mortons have been successful (e.g. the subscription system upgrades) but there have been a few teething troubles.

      We expect the transfer to generally be trouble free, and anyone having problems will be supported and helped.

      We would like to have a small group of beta-testers for the new system, drawn from relatively frequent forum users. If you would like to sign up email me Note that the number of beta testers will be limited.

      Feel free to ask questions or make suggestions, we will monitor this thread, but we may not be able to reply to all comments, especially as many details remain to be confirmed.

      I hope and expect that this update will benefit all forum users.

      Thank you in advance for your patience while the changes take place.


      Editor, MEW


      1. Make sure the email address in your profile is up-to-date.
      2. Back up your photos (and any other content) if you don't already have copies and want to ensure they remain available to you, just in case.
      3. If you are interested in beta testing the new forum email


      Edited By JasonB on 24/08/2023 09:22:05

      Edited By JasonB on 24/08/2023 09:22:41

      Neil Wyatt
        Paul Lousick

          Thanks Neil. Regards, Paul

          Edited By Paul Lousick on 15/03/2023 11:16:44

          Martin King 2

            Hi Neil,

            There are loads of photos in my album that are no longer need by me. Is there any way to go through them and delete the unwanted please?

            Regards, Martin


              It would be better to leave them as if you delete an image it will no longer show in an old post, so that next person with an unknown widget won't see that it is the same as what you had and will either ask again or never know as they won't see the image come up on things like a google search. But yes there is a fairly easy way to delete them.

              Neil's suggestion of backing up is just belt and braces incase anything that someone really wants should go AWOL during the change over.

              On a similar not if there are any contact details or other items that members use in old PM's now would be a good time to make copies

              John Haine

                Hooray! Looking forward to the new system.

                Martin King 2


                  Thanks for that, will leave them alone in that case.

                  Had not realised how many times I had posted on "what is this?" items blush

                  Cheers, Martin


                    Had to happen eventually and we've had a good kick at the ball in this place

                    It all hinges on the forum migration, death or victory awaits

                      Posted by JasonB on 15/03/2023 13:25:25:

                      Neil's suggestion of backing up is just belt and braces incase anything that someone really wants should go AWOL during the change over.

                      At time of writing I have 2267 images, and Jason has 2940. Is this a record?

                      Fortunately as an ex-Information Technology professional, I know that only wimps take backups!




                        A passing thought for folk re the magazines' transfer to Mortons Media / Classic Magazines.

                        Pre transfer, I already subscribed to two of their publications (Real Classic & Old Bike Mart)
                        The ME/MEW acquisition generated a second account with them, using a different email address to my pre-existing one.
                        I've just arranged, via the phone helpline, to combine both accounts.


                          Posted by Ady1 on 15/03/2023 14:25:53:

                          Had to happen eventually and we've had a good kick at the ball in this place

                          It all hinges on the forum migration, death or victory awaits

                          Let's go for victory – I want to still have a job by the summer!

                          Neil Wyatt
                            Posted by peak4 on 15/03/2023 16:12:13:

                            A passing thought for folk re the magazines' transfer to Mortons Media / Classic Magazines.

                            Pre transfer, I already subscribed to two of their publications (Real Classic & Old Bike Mart)
                            The ME/MEW acquisition generated a second account with them, using a different email address to my pre-existing one.
                            I've just arranged, via the phone helpline, to combine both accounts.


                            That's useful to know you can get that done, thanks Bill.


                            Graham Meek

                              And just as I was getting used to this site, Good Luck,



                              Henry Brown

                                Thanks Neil, hope it goes well, looking forward to adventures anew…

                                Peter Greene
                                  Posted by Neil Wyatt on 15/03/2023 10:59:05:

                                  The existing system …….. is largely a 'bespoke' one that doesn't follow typical online standards.

                                  Which is why it has such a nice, unique look about it and doesn't just look like hundreds of others. Even my non-techie wife commented (some years ago) what a nice looking forum it was compared to the ones she went to.

                                  But I do understand that also unique to maintain.

                                  Harry Wilkes

                                    Thanks for the heads up Neil let's hope all goes well



                                      Any chance of a pointer to a forum already using this software? The new version of HSM has a couple of annoying features which clearly show the software was developed by 12yr olds who didn't actually have enough brain cells to bother actually testing it..

                                      old mart

                                        I took Neil's advise and saved about 70% of my photos.

                                        Good luck with the changeover.

                                          Posted by JasonB on 15/03/2023 13:25:25:

                                          Neil's suggestion of backing up is just belt and braces in case anything that someone really wants should go AWOL during the change over.

                                          With reference to a very useful previous thread here entitled 'lathe design not keeping up', please advise how someone can do a backup from beyond the grave.


                                            Not sure what you mean DC31? But the majority of JS's images were not hosted on this site and if you know where to look can all still be accessed.



                                              Michael Gilligan

                                                Will the new platform have the option for us to upload files other than jpeg question


                                                  Posted by Michael Gilligan on 16/03/2023 07:29:55:

                                                  Will the new platform have the option for us to upload files other than jpeg question


                                                  It will, yes. It would be useful if you could list the type of files required (extension letters).

                                                  Michael Gilligan

                                                    Excellent news, Darren … Thanksyes

                                                    I will start the ball rolling with.








                                                      I'll add the ones I mentioned to you the other day Darren and a couple of others






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