It's been starting to get a bit difficult to find your way around this forum, because many 'topics' have taken on a flavour that doesn't always fit their name very well.
As well as bikes, cars (and buses and lorries…) are an interest of many forum members and MEW readers! Rather than ending up with topics for each one, the new 'Bike Restoration' topic is now 'Vehicle Restoration'
'Astronomy' has become 'other hobbies' as there are many hobbies that aren't really engineering but tend to go along with it, but we can't create a topic for each of them.
I've also created 'scientific instruments', as although we get relatively little traffic on this topic it might create some and allows a legit place to discuss things like telescope mounts, microscopes etc.
'The Tea Room' will be a place for loosely engineering related chat. The popular 'what did you do today' thread will go here and is a guide to what sort of discussion is appropriate. The 'aircraft general discussion' thread will also go here.
I will stress that forum rules still apply to ALL topics and that threads should still have a relation to our common interest in engineering. For example 'Scrapheap Challenge' might be a subject for discussion in the tea room, but I doubt that 'X Factor' belongs there.
There will, NOT be a wholesale movement of various threads to get them better classified, but misplaced new threads will be moved.
Any proposals for new topics, merged topics or changed topic names can be made below.