Agree that its easy enough to get used to a direct reading dial.
But given that everything else in the machine tool world works by depth of feed and that all the cutting parameters are, as they obviously have to be, specified by depth of feed it seems silly to have a different system for a trivial simplification. How hard is it to mentally multiply by 2?
If you have re-settable dials probably best answer to any confusion is to adjust things so you always finish with the dial at zero. Gets all the thinking out of the way first. None of this business of was it 0.375 or 0.357 to finish on. More professional as you get what you set too.
None of the "8@#€€ its 5 thou over" followed by scraping and scratching to get it down to size or, worse "8@#€€ its 5 thou under" followed by rapid trajectory into the scrap bin at about Mach1. If what you set isn't what you get then adjustment is easy until, after a rather short while you learn how to be right first time like the professionals.