Hi Muzzer
I have FireFox and IE11. It is not FireFox specific. Type some text in the editor, position the cursor amongst the text, then ctrl-rightclick.
On my machine, IE11 can show two context menus, depending on where the cursor is when I Ctrl-RightClick.
If I ctrl-rightclick in the text I get a context menu (cut,copy,paste,delete,send to one note, etc)
If I ctrl-rightclick over a word that has got the squiggly line underneath, which is indicating a mistake, I get a different context menu. The content of this context menu relates to handling the mistake (suggested new spelling, ignore, add to dictionary, undo etc).
I'll post some screen shots if I get time.
Suffice to say, the Ctrl appears to override the editors context menu, which is what the OP was requesting.
Edited By Steven Vine on 10/02/2016 20:21:51
Edited By Steven Vine on 10/02/2016 20:24:51