What has been happening of late?
Everywhere I see comments being dropped into threads complaining about the mix of content.
These are almost always on the same lines 'I like X, why do we have to put up with Y?'
Whatever happened to live and let live?
There's no practical limit on the number of topics or threads on this forums, and whether or not they continue is solely down to the interest shown in them by forum members.
Most importantly, there is absolutely nothing forcing people to read topics or threads they aren't interested in.
If anyone is lily livered enough that accidentally viewing a thread about a topic that doesn't fall into their own area of interest offends them, then I suggest they may find it safer HERE instead.
Please can we be sensible and polite? I'm sure no-one here would go to a club meeting, and then but into someone else's conversation to complain that they were discussing the football results.
Yet that is effectively what is being done when people decry topics that don't fit their vision of what the forum should be covering.
Model engineering is a broad church. Anyone who has read a few issues from the days of Percival Marshall would realise he would be horrified by the narrowness of our discussions! Where is photography? Where are discussions of great engineering projects? The achievements of great engineers? Tall tales from the railways or merchant marine? Ghost stories? Or even speculation on the design of Noah's Ark?
Just as when you read a magazine and skip an article content that there is plenty of content to interest you, if a thread or topic is of no interest to you, skip over it! What possible benefit does it bring to criticise those who do find it engaging?
Please can we all accept that though we are brought together by a common interest in practical engineering, each one of us has many other related interests and where they do overlap, there will be discussion.
Setting build threads against bee-keepers is making people feel uncomfortable and creating friction. Why? there's room for all here.
The diversity of this hobby is its greatest strength; we should embrace anything that encourages people of all ages to build their talents and keep their minds and bodies active through participating in practical,constructive hobbies.
Lets be inclusive, tolerant and welcoming; which of us gains when someone leaves this forum because they feel unwelcome?
Live and let live.
Editor of MEW and Forum Administrator