I subscribed to Model Engineer's Workshop (both on-line and print) a few days ago and I can't seem to access any of the "subscribed" content on-line?
I can't seem to access the Model Engineers' Workshop on-line archive. I also have no access to MEW at Pocketmags (without subscribing again).
I've entered my subscription number ( ) on the "settings" page and I try to access the archive and get this message:
•Your Print subscription to Model Engineers' Workshop no longer allows you access to the Digital archive.
The Print + Digital Subscription costs only a few pence more per issue and entitles you to your print copies, access to this Online Archive as well as digital downloads of all of your subscriptions issues to enjoy wherever you go and to keep even after your subscription ends.
How do I access older copies (and newer copies) of the magazine on-line? My reason for subscribing was to have this feature!
Is there a time delay before I can access on-line or archive services? Please let me know ASAP as I have an important project to finish by this weekend.
Thank you for your assistance!
Allen Shur
Encinitas, CA