I click ARCHIVE and get the following…
(To access the Online Archive please follow these steps:
Register for a free member account at http://www.model-engineer.co.uk/join or log in to your existing account using the Register / Log-in link in the top left hand corner of the page.)
I’m already registered (witness I’ve created this post) and I'm a subscriber
(Once logged in click the link 'Settings' – this appears on the top menu bar once you have logged in.)
I’m obviously blind ‘cos I can’t find ‘Settings’ anywhere
(Make sure that your details match those that you subscribed with and that your subscription number is entered. Save any changes.)
Since I can’t find “Settings” I can’t check my details
(Now click the link 'Magazines' from the top menu bar and then select the magazine to which you are subscribed; you will then be able to pick whichever issue you would like to read.)
I can’t find the ‘Magazines’ link in the top menu bar
I’m obviously missing some obvious, so please help me out.