Thanks for the link, I had not actually seen any of the details but had heard of the patent on a news item.
I seriously cannot believe that MHS change the corner because of what I wrote. I they did then I am even more flabbergasted! (for several reasons)
1/ The Website boxes only has two corners rounded, so has zero connection with the Patent
2/ If the MHS staff can find the time to read this forum and change its graphics, what does it say for their regard of the forum members who have complained, on and off, for months whilst putting up with flaky Website code and not even getting a token response. Many contributors have offered to help MHS too, without any response (to my knowledge)
Stupidly this SCAYT thing has just tried to correct my spelling of 'connection'. I have it set to 'British English. Oh! and I now see that SCAYT is not in its own dictionary!!!!!