Well now, either my standards are much lower than everyone elses, or my computing setup just happens to be compatible – I neither know nor care.
I do not appear to have any of the problems which other users have and I actually find this site considerably easier to navigate than some of the others I have looked at.
In respect of digital copies, although I apparently have access to them, I also have the paper copies so if I want a copy for the workshop, then all I need to do is to scan and print it. Hence I have no need for digital. In any case, scan & print is a darn site quicker than having to download and then print.
There is a problem in finding the article(s) I want. This, in my case, was resolved early on when I set up a database programme into which I typed all the relevant info, eg, General Title which could be eg, "Milling", Article Title, which could be eg, "Use of Slotdrills", Author, Magazine No., Page No, Date, Multipart Series (Yes/No) and 10 lines for comments or description. This way I can easily find all references to a particular subject, then go to the "mag. store", pull out the mags in turn until I find the one I want. The biggest problem is thinking up a search name.
For what it's worth, my database has 2159 separate records in it, and has records dating back to 1988. It only includes those articles which have some interest for me, so for example, there is nothing about Traction Engines, or Clocks.
Ian Phillips,
There is a thread not too far away titled Help or something similar. It's about photos and was started by Lynne. The second entry therein is by me, the bulk of which was produced using Libre Office Writer, then copied using Control A, then Control C. I then switched into the site and used Control V to insert it. Dead simple. Easy-Peasy. I don't have a problem.
Spellchecker? What's that? Seriously though, a few years ago, there was a rather cynical saying that one could guess a person's age by their spelling ability – good spelling over 40 (perhaps 50 now), poor spelling under 40 (50?). Now I well appreciate that you may not like that, so how about a practical suggestion – write it out using your favourite word processor, spell check it, then copy & paste as above. Job done.
Quite agree with you, but at the same time I have discovered that there are a lot of very intelligent people out there who are not particularly computer-savvy and who do need help. Quick disclaimer – I have no formal computing training, but having used one, and experimented etc, I now know that I know quite a lot more than some people (and a heck of a lot less than others).
Peter G. Shaw