Hi Everyone
I thought this bit of information might be of interest to some with regard to the web browser usage situation at the moment. The statistics are taken from a website of mine concerning a holiday property so I think will reflect the general internet using public pretty well without bias to engineers or net techies etc.
Browser usage 24/01/12 – 24/02/12
Browser No of %age
1. Internet Explorer 153 33.48
2. FireFox 125 27.35
3. Google Chrome 113 24.73
4. Safari 40 8.75
5. Netscape 13 2.84
6. Opera 11 2.41
7. Unknown 2 0.44
So it looks pretty even across the top 3. It also shows why webpages must be written so that as many browsers as possible display them correctly. The days of being able to code for Internet Explorer alone have long since gone.
Edited By Keith Long on 24/02/2012 23:26:52
Edited By Keith Long on 24/02/2012 23:28:13