Hello Martin!
I’ve been a professional in what used to be called informatics and one master rule in my profession was: never use a beta version for production and only use a new version after the release with at least a digit 1 after the first dot (e.g.: 9.1xxx). And any beta version should be tested only by a closed circle of people knowing very well the “internals” and functionality/features of the product with the objective of reporting the eventual bugs to be found.
Debugging software is not cheap. Unless You find volunteers to do it.
That’s the reason why Microsoft delivers beta versions to some kind of audience.
And that’s one of the reasons (not the greatest) Bill Gates and Microsoft are so wealthy and Microsoft so arrogant.
I for one don’t support this way of producing software and I’m still using the IE version 7 but only when I find sites/pages specifically designed to work with IE.
The browser I use most is FireFox which respects international agreed standards.
So, agreeing with most of Your propositions, firstly I wish the software forum respects the international standards in order the rest of browsers can work fine.
I have one proposition to add to yours which is: the possibility of searching any string amongst the posts. I know it has performance costs for the forum system but also has great advantages.
Note: Meanwhile, until the question of attachments is not solved, I propose to You and all readers concerned with the same question of the perennial of pictures attached to messages to create a special album dedicated to storage that pictures.
Best regards
Dias Costa