Forum Posts Obscured by Advertisments


Forum Posts Obscured by Advertisments

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  • #52477
    John Shepherd
      On my PC several forum posts are party obscured on the RH side by the adverts.
      I seem to remember complaints about this in the past  – is it a site feature or is it to do with my PC settings?
      Also I prevously mentioned about being logged out after only a short time and thought this had been fixed but it would appear not. The chances are that in the time it takes me to type this post (and I am not that slow) I will be logged out and will have lost what I have typed.
      The trick is to make sure you copy before trying to post and then next time you log on paste it in and post it quickly but surely I should not need to do this?
      John Shepherd
      John Shepherd
        Peter G. Shaw
          It’s happening to me as well, such that I cannot properly read your latest post about the Sieg X2’s etc.
          I assume it’s a site fault, and hence will wait until it’s put right.
          Peter G. Shaw
          As far as I can see, this problem is only affecting the thread “Disassembling of MiniMill….”.
          A temporary way round it is to use copy the text into Wordpad using, highlight, Control C and Control V (when in Wordpad)
          Peter G. Shaw

          Edited By Peter G. Shaw on 07/06/2010 09:51:56

          Kelvin Barber
            Hi Guys
            The problem with the “Disassembling of Mini Mill” thread was caused by the ultra long link in John Shepherd 1’s posting at the bottom. I have had to delete this to return the thread to its normal width. Perhaps John can supply a shorter link to the pdf in question?
            With regards to being logged out it happens to me as well – especially annoying when preparing an editorial feature! Keep saving, or copying, is the best option I can suggest.
              Hi Kelvin
              If you were to put a ‘sticky’ post on the main page telling people in simple language how to shorten their links we wouldn’t have any of this trouble.
              just a thought
              John Shepherd
                Re my long hyperlink which turned out not to work anyway.
                What about the Counersinking thread for example – I’m not sure there are any hyperlinks in this and the same problem of text being covered by adverts is there as well.
                Other threads I have looked at recently also have the same problem.
                I glad you find the premature logging out issue  annoying – surely that should spur you on to find a solution?
                BTW the thread originally referred to is not fixed – page 1 may be OK but page 2 isn’t.
                John Shepherd

                Edited By John Shepherd 1 on 07/06/2010 13:48:17

                Kelvin Barber
                  Hi John
                  If there was an easy fix for the logging out problem we would have sorted it by now. I have asked and was given the same advice I gave you! 
                  Re. the problem on Page 2 of  the thread. This was once again due to an overlong thread. Even when shortened it still did not work so there’s definitely something amiss in this link.
                  For advice on using  tags visit 
                  For shortening them refer to the Anchor tag which is the third one down. 

                  Edited By Kelvin Barber on 07/06/2010 14:59:33

                    Re changing links.
                    this is a quote of a thread from David
                     “Hi Wheeltapper
                    There is a 3 link chain in the edit box.
                    This is to set links up.
                    Select the word you want to link,
                    click on the chain, insert link and select open in new window.
                    If an email link you can change type to mailto.
                    regards Davdi”
                    It’s simple.
                    actually its simpler
                    click on the chains
                    where it says ‘url’ paste the link
                     where it says ‘title’ type in ‘here’ or ‘this site’ or whatever
                    click ok
                    like this
                    this is a charity I belong to ,by the way.

                    Edited By wheeltapper on 07/06/2010 17:34:51

                      Posted by Kelvin Barber on 07/06/2010 14:53:42:

                      Hi John
                      If there was an easy fix for the logging out problem we would have sorted it by now. I have asked and was given the same advice I gave you! 

                       But I think the ‘Remember me’ tick box in the login field works, isn’t it?

                      I even have the impression that sometimes I’m remembered so hard that I cannot logout!!!

                      Greetings, Hansrudolf

                      Btw, having some ‘sticky’ postings would be VERY nice. Also explaining the trick how to insert a picture directly in a posting (without putting it in an ‘album’ first).

                        I put this image up directly  from Photobucket.
                        to do this, put your mouse over the image in Photobucket, and under the pic is a box with different kinds of links.
                        copy the direct link.
                        on this site, in the post box, click on the second icon from the right and paste the link where it says ‘image url.
                        click ‘insert’
                        and here’s one I made earlier
                        a ball turning tool.
                        hope this helps.

                        Edited By wheeltapper on 08/06/2010 11:35:04


                          Cannot be a site problem as I do not have it!!  Fault must lie with your PC.

                          John Shepherd
                            Its not my PC  –  Kelvin  fixed the site problem.
                            Gone Away
                              Posted by KWIL on 08/06/2010 11:47:03:

                              Cannot be a site problem as I do not have it!!  Fault must lie with your PC.
                              That doesn’t follow at all, you know. At the very least, a site might work as intended on a PC with IE but not on a PC with Firefox (or one of the many other browsers out there). There are other areas of (legitimate and acceptable) PC configuration that can cause a web page to display imperfectly. Doesn’t mean the PC is at fault. The web-page designer’s aim is to make it compatible with as many PC/configuration variation as possible (not an easy task).
                               [I’m assuming, from the lack of smiley etc, that you meant your comment seriously.]
                              Kelvin Barber
                                Problems experienced with adverts being obscured by posts are usually caused by overlong web links or overlarge jpgs. We do our best to rectify this problem whenever spotted, though sometimes this might involve a deletion to get the thread back into shape.
                                I use both Firefox and Safari as web browsers and there are subtle differences in how they display some text and how words wrap-around. However, if a web page displays imperfectly it will likely be this way on all web browsers.
                                Hope this helps. 
                                  Hi Kelvin,
                                  The questions in this thread occur over and over and probably will continue to do so as new members are constantly signing up.  I have suggested before that it might be a good idea to set up a ‘help’ or ‘tutorial’ system on the forum home page explaining ‘how to’ and asking new recruits to refer to it before they start to post. 
                                  Others have suggested ‘Sticky’ posts.  Another good idea.  As there must be many contributors who are not quite so familiar with these skills surely there is a need for such a system of help.  What is the problem, is the software used for this forum so limited that such facilities cannot be included?    Most other forums I have used over many years now, have such facilities.  Why not this one?  It would help prevent these sort of repetitive problems arising surely.
                                  Kelvin Barber

                                    Thanks for the suggestions Terry, I will look into it and see what can be done.

                                    John Shepherd
                                      In support of Terry’s suggestion for a sticky or similar it would be good if we knew and were reminded of what the limitations of the system are e.g. ‘Don’t post pictures larger than xxKb’ etc. we can hopefully avoid causing  some of the problems on the site and save you some work.
                                      We don’t know what we don’t know so if you can inform us as Terry suggests us we may be able to help you make a visit to the site a better experience.
                                      It has to be said that this forum site seems to have more problems than others I (and others)  visit judging by some of the comments. Perhaps part of the problem is that those of us that use other forum sites expect this one to perform in the same way as them and it doesn’t.
                                      That said it’s the content that matters and there can be no complaints on that score.
                                      Oh dear have  just been logged out and redirected to my profile page and have had to start again !
                                        What have you done?  Everything else works on Firefox except today’s Model Engineer site, have had to switch to IE to get it correctly. The site  just displays as a long line by line series of events.
                                        Kelvin Barber
                                          Hi KWIL,
                                          Nothing I’ve done as I haven’t been on the website today until just now! I’m using Firefox at the moment and it’s working fine – suggest there must be some problems with your equipment or internet provider.
                                            Thanks for the response Kelvin. All OK now, strange it was ONLY the Model-Engineer site. Must be the ISP I guess.
                                              When I click on  the more items for sale, I find the black characters od date/time/advertisers name are obscured by the blue lettering naming actual items for sale.
                                              someone please do something about this?
                                                When I click on  the more items for sale, I find the black characters od date/time/advertisers name are obscured by the blue lettering naming actual items for sale.
                                                someone please do something about this?
                                                Martin W
                                                  Had a quick check on my system and it all seems to be OK with no text over print. Unless someone has done something in the last hour then it could be local to your system, the software combination that you are running or just one of them GREMLINS that creep into our systems and then vanish without trace .
                                                  peter walton 1
                                                    Not sure if its applicable to your situation but I have had increasing difficulty in getting some site to display correctly.
                                                    I finally bit the bullet and upgraded to IE8(very loath to do it) and it so far(touches wood) has cured all the rogue sites.
                                                    Main problem I had is parts of the page overwriting other parts which made on line banking a no no!

                                                      David, Latest obscured posts; "Latest subs. gift etc" and "Hand Grinding"


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