G-Code in a downloadable form


G-Code in a downloadable form

Home Forums Website Questions, Comments, and Suggestions G-Code in a downloadable form

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  • #52030
    Richard Parsons

      The Editor MEWs

      Hello there Dave.  Can you arrange that the CNC G-Code published in MEWS be also made available on the website in a form that could be loaded straight on to the MACH3 package.  It is a pain under the tail to try to copy them by hand.

      Richard Parsons
        David Clark 13
          Hi There
          I will have to ask the authors.
          Have you tried OCR software?
          regards David
          John Haine
            Extending this suggestion (an excellent one by the way), as there is already a facility to upload jpg files, why not simply allow all file types and also allow anyone to upload files such as g-code or dxf as well as the webmaster to post files associated with articles?
            I for example have a simple Excel spreadsheet for calculating belt lengths and pulley spacings for toothed belt drives.  Would be happy to add this.
            Most other machining forums (e.g. Yahoo!) allow this.
            John Stevenson 1
              Posted by David Clark 1 on 23/05/2010 20:50:02:

              Hi There
              I will have to ask the authors.
              Have you tried OCR software?
              regards David
              Would you honestly trust an OCR’d file on your machine.?
              I certainly wouldn’t.
              John S.
              David Hanlon
                Hi Folks,
                I am old enough to remember typing in listings to my ZX-80 from the computer hobby mags at the time. Took a long time, then you had to debug to find the typing errors, then you had to debug to find the logic errors (and that was without the risk of physically destroying things that machine robotics/CNC can do) As soon as it became feasible magazines moved to electronic distribution (on cover disk, CD, etc ….)
                Using printed listings in my opinion has all the issues above, plus this wastes valuable magazine space better used for words and photo’s when internet distribution is so much more efficient ( and cheaper!). I would think that anyone running CNC machinery would have at least a low bandwidth internet connection capable of transferring a few K of text files about.
                BTW OCR depends on very high quality scans and a good portion of luck, not one for the MEW digital archive then …
                Just my opinion.
                John Stevenson 1
                  Dave, that was really below the belt but still good
                  John S.

                  Posted by David Hanlon on 20/06/2010 11:40:55:
                  BTW OCR depends on very high quality scans and a good portion of luck, not one for the MEW digital archive then …
                  Just my opinion.



                  Edited By John Stevenson on 20/06/2010 11:48:21

                  Richard Parsons


                    I have looked at OCR but it can be very messy and requite a lot of corrections etc.

                    If you have the original article in say MS word just cut and paste the stuff to a “.TXT” (dot txt file).  This has no ‘Formatting’ and should be as seen.  These could be uploaded to somewhere on the site.

                    I have just tried a few ‘tricks’ I know but as you are using ’Adobe’ They do not work to well. A little more time and perhaps I can fiddle it!
                    Dick Parsons
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