Test thread for inserting gallery image or file


Test thread for inserting gallery image or file

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        Try inserting a gallery image or file here.

        You will need to copy the gallery item’s url and link to it using the link icon along the top of the editor tool bar.

        Martin Connelly

          P1170214 (2)

          The UK monowheel team with Klaas van Kruistum of TV program Klass Kan Alles after recording a segment for his program.


            You basically copy the link to the image in the top http bar

            Then ctrl-V in here drops in in



              I am not seeing my gallery/photos, but I keep all my photos on a flash drive anyway, and prefer to upload from that.




                I found my gallery by clicking on the name under my avatar.

                No photos in my gallery, but as I mentioned, I keep it all on a flash drive, and much prefer to do that, as opposed to loading it somewhere in a gallery.




                  Neil Wyatt

                    You can access your galleries via “profile”… but all of mine seem to have disappeared… they were on the test site 🥺


                    Thor 🇳🇴

                      Ok, time to try inserting a photo from my gallery:

                      Copy the image URL and then Ctrl-V.


                        let’s see…..Well, unless I’m missing something, now photos have to be actually uploaded here. The previous software allowed me to put the photo’s URL from Flickr (stripped of all the BB code bits and pieces) and it would come up in my post without having to go and find and load a Photo from my hard drive. Pretty well every forum I’ve seen in recent times allows photos to be posted by the use of [img]photo URL[/img] text, would have expected that to be a part of any site upgrade here too.

                        wheeling machine in place1

                        Pete Rimmer
                          On Neil Wyatt said

                          You can access your galleries via “profile”… but all of mine seem to have disappeared… they were on the test site 🥺


                          Mine too. Galleries and photos all gone.


                            Had not done it for a week but this is how to use Photobucket images, hopefully other hosting sites are similar.

                            Basically copy your usual link

                            In the reply box click the insert image icon

                            Click the box where it wants you to drop the file

                            Paste the link into the window that comes up and click open

                            Video may be easier


                                have to take your word for it Dave, no preview and the pop-out is a nice blank screen.

                                It’s on the ever growing new list


                                  Just a test to see if I can insert a screenshot here


                                  Clearly that worked fine; This is the screenshot I failed to add in a previous post where I was trying to insert it in a quote reply.



                                  Mike Hurley


                                    Not quite sure why I ended up with a link showing rather than the gallery imageitself. Finger trouble somewhere I assume, no doubt the light will dawn sometime!





                                      Posted using Flickr image url with all the BBcode stripped off

                                      Mike Hurley


                                        Am I being dim (probably) but following the instructions to insert an image from your gallery it says copy the URL and add a link in the post. I just get a link, not the image. Don’t have an issue loading any other image, just one from my gallery

                                        Can someone point me in the right direction please. Ta Mike



                                        Dennis R



                                            I don’t think you’re being dim, unless we both are; quite possible in my case I admit.

                                            As a fellow plain forum user, I struggle to get any sense out of your gallery as a viewer from the link you provided;


                                            I can see you appear to have one gallery of two photos, for which I can see thumbnails, but when I click on either, I get a black bar across the screen


                                            It might be worth reporting this post as an example for the developers.
                                            I’ll not do so, as they are likely to get brassed off with me reporting something else.

                                            Not only this problem, if you’re going to report.
                                            If I access Gallery from the front page of the site, yours does show in a total of 23, apparently with 12 on each page.
                                            Some work OK unlike your one.
                                            Page two for the remaining 11 galleries shows 404 error so I can’t see them
                                            Individual Gallery titles are all shown without any reference to the author/photographer until you open them.
                                            First Gallery by Windy shows Flash Steam Project, but doesn’t mention his name until you open a photo.
                                            Russell has at least 3 galleries, but searching for Windy or Russell shows nothing found.
                                            Searching for “clock” works OK, but no way to search for the author.

                                            Takes you to the Gallery front page of the first 12 Galleries OK

                                            Takes to same place but with 404 error – page not found at the bottom

                                            Press Next for the final 11 Galleries changes the URL to Page 2;

                                            Takes to same place but with 404 error – page not found at the bottom, just the first 12 shown again

                                            Stars added to try and break the hyperlink, so don’t click on them.
                                            Done so that the URL is visible in the text of the post.
                                            I can’t find a way to stop the forum turning it into a hyperlink, even though it’s invalid.

                                            This below is the first line without the stars; should go to the front page



                                              I reported so other gallery problems last night that black bar wa sone of them others showing images while others don’t and others with the 404

                                              Will add a link back to this for Admin

                                              Martin Connelly

                                                Before the change to the new forum members were warned that galleries were not likely to be copied to the new forum, it was suggested to back them up. I chose to do a screen grab of the forums since the pictures already exist in my own storage and I didn’t feel the need to duplicate them. The picture file name in the screen grabs allow me to retrieve any picture I require to add to a new post. For example-

                                                Sabel_southbend threads

                                                Martin C

                                                Martin Connelly

                                                  When I open a new tab for a subject from the Latest Activity page I get a “Not secure” flag on the new page URL line, it is showing as I am typing into this thread.

                                                  2023-10-25 08_55_57-Window

                                                  Martin C

                                                  Russell Eberhardt

                                                    Same here using Firefox 116.0.3 on Linux Mint.  I get the following message:

                                                    “Your connection is not private. Information you submit can be viewed by others (like passwords, messages, credit cards, etc.).” together with one telling be to delete cookies and data!

                                                    It doesn’t look good.



                                                    Mike Hurley

                                                      Martin, like you, all my original gallery pics were stored seperately anyway so I wasn’t concerned about them not xferring across. The couple of pictures in question were added quite easily to a new gallery purely for test purposes. I don’t have an issue loading any other image directly, just ones from this new gallery.


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