Jason & Neil can both log into my account WOW not bad eh and they can view any magazine they wish again WOW. That is not me using my hardware or my software talking to the server at HQ!!!!
I in the past have never required Flash to view the magazines before. I did go onto Pocketmags this morning prior visiting the Dr and low and behold no problem view my subscribed magazines.
I just opened Microsofts Edge signed in went to Mag archives clicked on mags and got a message I required to load up Adobe Flash. So came back to Firefox my prefered browser you know the one I am having the response from ( I should say no response from). I installed the latest Adobe Flash and low and behold still the same error message even after closing down and restarting Firefox just to make sure it was fully installed and yes I click the check box to ON in Flash.
I know as a past Techie that MY machine will not issue me such a response of Error as shown above that has to be a server error. I agree the ping maybe be defective somewhere between. BUT why can i read and view any other magazines NOT connected with Mytimemedia??
As for Addblockers there is no adds and its never caused problems in many years prior.
Could it be that due to the subscription extension OR Pocketmags updates to readers and tweaking of sign in's?? at the coal face ON the server??
Is it possible someone maybe tunneling in when I sign in? Not via my machine (still possible) but hanging about and the server is reconising that intrusion?
As I can sign into forum no hassle and bring up archives and view front covers meaning the server is allowing me access thus far?? BUT the decides due to some unknown visual by myself shoots off an error code??
Why would any ISP block such as Model Engineer or MEW at that point and shoot me an error code? I have no problem with any other site, content or sign in??
Have the in house technicians been brought into see if there is a problem at that end?? Guess not but then why would they have been?? One customer is not worthy of investigation.
Lets blame the customer or their isp or software heard it all before and yes even from Mytimemedia and Neil and Jason and even Pocketmags.
You see with 6 companies who have our sign in it could be a problem caused by any number or all of them or their systems!!!!!