Cancelled subscription


Cancelled subscription

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  • #38887
    Brian Abbott
      Brian Abbott

        Hello all,

        Been an avid rear of both ME & MEW since April last year, but for some reason my subscription to ME has been cancelled, in the past when I have had to contact subscriptions it has taken weeks to get a reply, guess the quickest route is to just take out a new subscription and keep an eye on my direct debits.

        Anyone else experienced this?


          I'd be straight on the phone to subscriptions asking just what on earth was going on, who cancelled it, why did you take an instruction from anyone but me, etc etc


            How did you get to know it was cancelled? I always get worried at the transition time, (nowish) if it is still going to appear.

            If it is paid by credit card and the details have changed it ought to be refused but on the other hand you can't rely on that if you are wanting to cancel. I expect if you take out a new subscription some computer glitch will reinstate your old one withing 5 seconds getting you two copies.

            Brian Abbott

              It's my own fault, I pay by direct debit and never noticed they had not taken the money out for a while.

              I read the magazine via newsstand on the ipad, but this morning it asked me to pay to download the latest issue,

              I am sure a quick call to them on Monday will get it sorted, just hope they allow me to download today's copy.

              Neil Wyatt

                Hello Brian

                I've sent you a PM

                You can email with your queries.


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