Where’d MEW-213 go?


Where’d MEW-213 go?

Home Forums Subscription issues and Digital magazines Where’d MEW-213 go?

  • This topic has 42 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 21 May 2014 at 05:58 by Raymond Sanderson 2.
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    Gone Away

      Last night I was reading the just-posted MEW-213 online when it disappeared. It's still gone today.

      Did it just pop out for a quick half?

      Gone Away
        Nicholas Farr

          Hi OMG, works just fine when I just tried it.

          Regards Nick.


            I blame the new Editorcheeky

            Seriously its working OK for me too.



              On my iPad (via the Magazines link) I can only view issues before 211 of MEW or 4472 of ME, (current digital subs to both).

              Later issues and current issues of both mags work fine in the AP or via Newsstand, also tried them via magazines link on a PC and both mags worked fine.


              Edited By V8Eng on 10/02/2014 19:49:20

              Michael Gilligan
                Posted by V8Eng on 10/02/2014 19:40:46:

                On my iPad (via the Magazines link) I can only view issues before 211 of MEW


                Just checked on my [original] iPad … Issue 213 appears O.K.

                Strange things happening ?



                  Interesting that you should mention the problem viewing after 211, I had someone mention a similar thing with ME after the same sort of date. Looking a the ones before and ones after on my PC there is a difference when the cover comes up on the PC, before says MEW after has a blured multicolourd blob. I'll ask Katy to take a look.




                  Gone Away

                    I just checked and I still can't get it using Firefox but apparently I can using IE (yuk). The weird thing is that I was actually viewing it last night (Firefox), looked at, I think, Page-4 clicked for Page-5 and it just sat there loading …. After trying a couple of times, I shut down the viewer and started again. At that point I got the window shown below and have got that ever since (happens when I click on the cover thumbnail)

                    One thing's for sure, I didn't make any changes to my setup between getting it and not getting it and I can only assume that someone was making website changes at that time which have resulted in my losing this (it happened around 8:15 pm EDT …. 1:15 am UK time I guess).


                    Edited By OMG on 10/02/2014 22:24:05

                    Edited By OMG on 10/02/2014 22:25:08


                      Just an update, tried on an Android phone and everything worked, works from a PC as well, so it seems to be iPad related only, the pages do not appear just a constant grey screen with a timing icon.

                      I have checked most ways available to me and the problem only seems to occur when the (magazines) link at the top of these pages is used via my iPad device.

                      David Hanlon

                        Lets try this again … sorry if this is a duplicate, the web site just through me out .

                        Access to the magazine archive has stopped working on my ipad air (it worked before) on both Safari and Dolphin browsers. Works ok on Firefox running on both Win7 and Ubuntu Linux 12, but needs a new website enabled for javascript execution called readertracking.com which seems to be a recent addition. Could there be any link?



                          Just tried it on my ipad and it works fine using Safari, don't even see that blob that was in my second capture above.

                          Are either of you running some form of add blocking software? it has caused problems before.


                          PS Kate has got a boffin looking into it.

                          David Hanlon

                            The Air is a brand new gift (Thks SWMBO). Not running anything other than native Safari (didn't know you could at ad-blocking!). Just reduced all security to a minimum on the settings. In the last 10-15 mins retried and …

                            Up to ME 4472 works fine, fails with grey screen and waiting circle from 4473 onwards.

                            Up to MEW 211 works fine, fails with grey screen and waiting circle from 212 onwards.

                            Hope this helps



                              I do not have anything installed to block stuff ( difficult to find for IOS), also have tried resetting the pad and putting the privacy settings to factory setting.

                              Edited By V8Eng on 11/02/2014 13:15:03

                              Paul Barrett

                                Can anyone please advise when issue 213 is available in shops. I can't find a publication date and according to this website we are on issue 208?



                                  212 says its on sale 14th Feb


                                    Got mine (print subscription) today..

                                    Gone Away

                                      Going back to the subject problem, I still have it and further investigation has shown the following:

                                      – Problem exists on issues 213 and 212 (212 was OK for me until this problem started a couple of days ago but I've lost it since then). Issues prior to 212 are OK.

                                      – I was running Firefox V18 when the problem developed. I've since upgraded to the ESR (V24.2) but same problem.

                                      – I've run Firefox in safe-mode (all add-ons disabled) …. same problem

                                      – Flash player is (last update Feb 8).

                                      – Again, the problem started while I was in the middle of reading Issue 213 at about 8:15 EST (I think I misteakenly said EDT before),


                                        OMG, I am informed that things should be fixed now, would you be kind enough to see if that is the case and report back.

                                        Thanks, J


                                          I have a problem viewing any MEW issues after 200 on android 4.2 using chrome although they work fine with the default browser. Similar problem with ME archive from around the same publication date so something has changed in the format. Oddly, all work fine on a windows7 PC using any browser and on a Linux machine using Firefox.

                                          Edited By CoalBurner on 13/02/2014 16:21:20

                                          Gone Away
                                            Posted by JasonB on 13/02/2014 16:10:58:

                                            OMG, I am informed that things should be fixed now, would you be kind enough to see if that is the case and report back.

                                            Yes, thank you Jason …. back to normal now.


                                            David Hanlon

                                              Works on the Ipad as well now, thanks folks.



                                                Yes working fine on my iPad now, many thanks.

                                                Edited By V8Eng on 13/02/2014 20:35:30

                                                  Posted by CoalBurner on 13/02/2014 16:20:47:

                                                  I have a problem viewing any MEW issues after 200 on android 4.2 using chrome although they work fine with the default browser. Similar problem with ME archive from around the same publication date so something has changed in the format. Oddly, all work fine on a windows7 PC using any browser and on a Linux machine using Firefox.

                                                  Edited By CoalBurner on 13/02/2014 16:21:20

                                                  Coalburner, the chap that fixed the other problem suggests that you may not be using the very latest version of Chrome, he says it seems to be working fine with the latest version.


                                                  Raymond Sanderson 2

                                                    This might be a little off track but I have had the same problem with 210 213 and 214 but NOT online version the hard copies.
                                                    Here in western Sydney 5 newsagents around me and not one have seen them come in. So I have now missed 3 running articles. So I subscribed hard and digital and now have to wait 6 weeks before I see either.

                                                    Why can't I get a reply to emails from the subscription people??
                                                    Why can't an email be sent with the code for the digital access?


                                                    Raymond Sanderson 2

                                                      I'll amend the above I travelled further a field today and scored 213 hard copy at last. This after checking in with where I have the mag saved for me they still had not got it in.

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