Obviously I needed to do more research before subscribing to your magazine. I now understand that your official app developer seems to sell their own digital subscriptions that are different than yours. My point is that you cannot expect a person that first lands on your website to read your terms and then your app developers terms and then you r FAQ to figure out what to do. I linked to your app developer, saw the mag and pushed the subscribe button. My fault I guess but I would think that is how you would want people to buy from you. Most people do not want to go through a lot of details. Trust me on this because my day job involves running an e commerce site that does 30 million us dollars a day in business for a 10 billion us dollar corporation.
My advice would be to clarify the relationship with your app developer so they are just your app developer or convince them to offer the same terms you do. Your customers should not have to divine your business relationships. No matter where I buy your magazine in print or digitally it should be the same product.
Here is how I would do it.
1. A print subscriber should pay the digital rate plus the cost associated physical mag and get access to online issues and back issues. The idea is to give them the print mag they want and get them to see that digital is useful and maybe switch to it which is more profitable for you. When their subscription runs out, they of course keep their physical magazine and the online access to the issue during the term of their subscription. Back issues are no long er available. That is the enticement to resubscribe. Allowing permanent access to purchased issues removes the main argument against digital which is loss of value after the subscription ends.
2. A digital subscription should work the same way without the hard copy. Access in perpetuity to the paid for mags and access to the archive only during the term of subscription.
The answer to the hard copy subscriber that feels they are paying for digital they don't need is that they get the benefit of the digital archive. Print media is dying worldwide, just ask the newspapers. If they want this content, at some point digital will be the only way to get it. Think about the process of daily or weekly publications chopping down trees printing on the paper, shipping it worldwide and having people do it all again tomorrow or next week. There is no way that can compete economically with digital. At some point the print subscriber will have to pay ridiculous rates or go the way of stone tablets.
You can debate these points but just remember that this is the opinion of a tech savvy new international customer. I am guessing that this type of customer is desired in a global digital world and also the most profitable type of customer. Once your content is produced there is very little overhead in scaling that to millions of digital subscribers. Compare that to the expense of adding millions of worldwide print subscribers. Rules 1 of business is not to anger your most profitable customer.
Lets see how you could fix this. You could just verify with pocket mags who subscribed with them and authorize the account for online access.c if pocket mags won't do it, don't let them sell subscriptions. Simple isn't it.